You know when everybody graduates 8th grade and then that summer the descent upon our nation's capitol... I didn't and finally at age 25 along with thousands of other teeny-boopers, Michael, and his ginormous new camera. The coolest part of the tour was this random metal statue found at Haines Point called The Awakening. It's a five part cast aluminum statue that depicts a 100-foot man half buried alive trying to free himself from he earth. It's creepy and cool at the same time, Michael's favorite is when people put their babies in the statue's mouth and take a picture.
See more statue pics.I thought the Vietnam war memorial was moving and strangely sterile considering how messy war is. The wall is so refective you can see me as I take the picture.
This is the Jefferson or Lincoln Memorial (I don't remember which).
8th grade is nothing, dude. Wait until you gte to high school. There are more people, more carpets, more books, more girls, less boys, more conversation, more tiles, bigger cielings, and more animals.
Don't get me wrong - I think you'll enjoy it. Just expect a lot more stuff!
Oops I spelled ceiling wrong in the last message. You know the old addag: "i before e unless there's a c". That rule should be changed to hurt people less. Should be "i before e unless you are in the middle of a word and the previous consonant was a c". That would hurt less.
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