Thursday, September 29, 2005

New Place Pics

Okay so I finally got this picture thing working. Here's my virtual tour...

Here's our two big living room windows, it kind of a dark picture since I took it in the evening, but it's usually really bright. After dragging my sister around Capitol Hill, to help us look for a place live, she reminded us that in Seattle people spend a lot of time indoors so we'd better get something with a lot of windows. Best advice ever!!

Here's more living room at a different angle. Notice the rug on the floor, my "research gang" co-workers gave Emily and me a Bed Bath and Beyond gift certificate so we used it for that rug and an ice cream maker. We are still working on making the thank-you card. I really miss all the good advice and wiseness of my research team (that and wearing Priscilla's pink jacket).

So next is the dining room... I think I took this pic in the morning
Here's the kitchen with funky blue tile

Dining room

Here's the deck

and then there's the bedrooms, but those are kind of messy so I didn't take pictures...

Here's our new Ikea chair and already the kitties took it over! Ikea was the deciding factor on moving to Seattle instead of North Carolina.

So that's all for now, stay tuned for more pictures. I promised Meriel that I'd post Eric and Steph's wedding pictures so I'll get on it next...


Anonymous said...

Your place looks great! Beautiful view and so forth. Hope all is well. We miss you here in the office, and I miss working more than 4 hours a week. :-(
Anyway, keep in touch. My e-mail is

Mike said...

Nice place!