Thursday, February 01, 2007

Wanna see some funny Weight Watchers recipe cards from 1974? These are hella funny! True life (remember when people used to say that), people actually ate these things. Speaking of old skool stuff, it made Emily a little sad that her future children would never first hand experience hammer pants and what a damn shame that is.


Eric said...

I think the best part was all the ceramic shit next to the dishes. Did anyone ever think that was a good idea? Ugh. Don't worry Emily, every generation has found a new way to embarass themselves. If you're really lucky, your future child will actually willingly partake of the fad, you can take pictures and then show it off to their boyfriend/girlfriend later. That's hilarious.

Joe Streckert said...

You have a Blog!
Oh my God!
This is so cool!
Old cookbooks are hideous things. Back at Smith's, we'd routinely go through the retro cookbooks and look at all the garishly photographed stuff from the fifties through seventies. It was loathsome to behold.