Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Knitting can be fun...

Shocking I know, but I may have crossed over to the dark side...After a few years of Emily telling me how fun knitting is and I should try it, I finally picked back up the scarf I started for my mom over two years ago. You wouldn't think knitting is very hard, but man I was so pissed every row I knit had a different number of stitches that I pulled out most of what I had done and left it in the back of Emily's oversized knitting cabinet. Some of the girls on my soccer team wanted to start a knitting group so I volunteered our house for the inaugoural meeting. I thought why not, Emily comes to my soccer games and knits so I should bring my soccer team here and maybe we'd knit while she juggles a soccer ball....Well we couldn't convince her to do that, but it was still fun anyway.

In other exciting news, we got some crazy snow at our house. Sadly, it melted before I had a chance for snowangels. Our poor plants look so sad in the snow.

1 comment:

Eric said...

I wonder if the snow here in the Northeast is so ubiquitous that I'm not longer excited by it. Knitting + soccer = ???